KL Pet Prints provides candid photography service at horse and dog shows. I also offer portraits in natural settings.


A little about the woman behind the camera:

   I grew up on an old farm in Pennsylvania, with cats, dogs and chickens.  Life brings changes; however, we moved into a no-pets apartment in a large town - an unsettling culture shock.  Missing the pets, I found a substitute: Breyer model horses, complete with photo show competitions.  These photo shows mimicked real horse competitions with halter and performance classes, challenging competitors to photograph models in realistic scenes.  My first photos were laughable disasters but I was determined to learn a new skill.  I went through a lot of film rolls in my journey and learned a lot about what makes a good picture.

    As a teenager, I lived with my brother, we were quick to add cats and a dog in our lives again.  I studied dog breed books and fell in love with German Shepherds.  I got a black & red GSD girl, Tess. I would later move across the country to Oregon with my two cats and dog. Tess and I enjoyed many hikes together, photographing Oregon's natural beauty.  On our last adventure together, a lady offered to take our picture but I declined.  To this day I regret that; I lost my girl the next day when she died suddenly, only eight years old.  If only I had that last photograph...

   In 2014 my brother was killed in a car accident.  Losing my best friend shattered my world and has led to my viewing photography differently.  It has become even more important; it's not about winning model horse shows or taking snapshots of beautiful scenery.  It is about preserving the memories and special moments of our loved ones, human or animal.  Life can be short and time passes by quickly.  Photographs are part of celebrating life, freezing special moments in time, to be relived and enjoyed again.  I especially love photographing the good times with our animal friends, to provide loving owners with treasured memories that never fade with time.